Coverage for src/zapy/api/ 100%
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1import json
2import socket
3import sys
4from pathlib import Path
5from typing import cast
7from .models import ServerConnection
10def load_server_config() -> ServerConnection:
11 virtual_env_path = Path(sys.prefix)
12 zapy_etc = virtual_env_path / "etc" / "zapy"
13 zapy_etc.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
15 conn_file = zapy_etc / "connection.json"
17 if not conn_file.exists():
18 conn = create_connection(conn_file)
19 else:
20 conn = read_connection(conn_file)
22 return conn
25def create_connection(conn_path: str | Path) -> ServerConnection:
26 conn = ServerConnection(
27 host="",
28 port=get_random_free_port(),
29 )
30 with open(conn_path, "w") as outfile:
31 outfile.write(conn.model_dump_json())
32 return conn
35def read_connection(conn_path: str | Path) -> ServerConnection:
36 with open(conn_path) as outfile:
37 raw_data = json.load(outfile)
38 return ServerConnection.model_validate(raw_data)
41def get_random_free_port() -> int:
42 sock = socket.socket()
43 sock.bind(("", 0))
44 port = sock.getsockname()[1]
45 sock.close()
46 return cast(int, port)